This 5-Minute Trick Helps You Feel Energized, Even When It’s Cold & Dark Outside
In the winter, it’s easy to feel sluggish and exhausted. The days are shorter and the weather is colder, which can make it hard to get out of bed in the morning and motivated to start your day.
But there’s one simple trick that can help you feel more energized, even when it’s dark and cold outside – and it only takes five minutes.
So if you’re feeling tired and stressed from the winter blues, try this simple — but effective — way to help you feel more awake and alert.
You need a small space and a few minutes
The sun has been hiding lately and it’s getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning. You’ve been dragging yourself to work, feeling exhausted before the day has even begun.
But there’s a trick that can help you feel more energized. All you need is a small space and a few minutes to do this trick.
First, find a comfortable spot to sit or stand. Then, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Slowly inhale and exhale, letting your body relax.
Now, imagine a sphere of light surrounding you. Picture it growing bigger and brighter with each breath you take. Feel the warmth of the light seeping into your body, filling you with energy.
Stay in this state for as long as you like. When you’re ready, open your eyes and start your day with a fresh, sunshiny perspective.
stimulate your body’s natural circulation
In order to feel more energized, you need to stimulate your body’s circulation. Research shows that when our circulation is poor, we tend to feel tired and sluggish.
The best way to improve circulation is to get moving. And you don’t even have to do a strenuous workout to get your circulation going. Even a few minutes of light activity can make a big difference.
Taking a brisk walk, doing some simple stretching, or even just getting up and moving around regularly throughout the day can help improve your circulation.
If you’re not used to being active, you may need to start slowly and build up gradually. But even a little bit of movement can go a long way towards improving your energy levels.
move your arms and legs in a circular motion
In fact, just by moving your arms and legs in a circular motion, you can feel more energized. It may sound too simple to be true, but it really does work.
When you move your arms and legs in a circular motion, it helps to increase the circulation in your body. This, in turn, helps to deliver more oxygen to your cells, which can make you feel more energized.
So next time you’re feeling sluggish, try moving your arms and legs in a circle. You may just find that it makes a world of difference.
improve your energy levels and mood
It can be difficult to find the motivation to keep a healthy lifestyle during the winter months. It’s cold outside, the days are shorter, and it can feel like there’s nothing to look forward to.
But, there are things you can do to trick your body and mind into being more energetic, even on the dreariest of days.
One thing you can do to improve your energy levels is to make sure you’re staying hydrated. It’s easy to get dehydrated during the winter, especially if you’re not used to drinking as much water.
Drink 8 glasses of water a day, or more if you can, and make sure to include some healthy electrolytes like potassium and magnesium.
Also, make sure you’re eating a healthy diet. It’s easy to turn to comfort foods during the winter, but eating nutritious meals will help to improve your energy levels and mood. Choose foods that are high in protein and fiber, and low in sugar and unhealthy fats.
The “5-minute rule”
Don’t fret. If you find yourself struggling to stay awake during the colder, shorter days of winter, you’re not alone.
It’s actually a common occurrence, and there are even scientific explanations for why we feel this way. But before you resign yourself to a long winter of fatigue, there’s one (more) simple trick that can help you feel more energized, even when it’s cold and dark outside.
It’s called the “5-minute rule” (no, not that one), and it’s based on the idea that we have a certain amount of willpower that we can expend each day.
Once we’ve used up our willpower, it’s harder to make ourselves do things that we don’t really want to do.
The 5-minute rule says that if you can do something for just 5 minutes, it’s easier to keep going and do it for longer.
For example, if you’re feeling too tired to go for a walk or to the gym, tell yourself that you only have to do it for 5 minutes. Once you’re out the door, it’s easier to keep going than it is to turn back.
The same goes for other tasks that you might be putting off, like cleaning the house or making dinner. If you can just get started, it’s easier to keep going and see the task through to the end.
The 5-minute rule is a simple way to trick your brain into getting started on something, even when you’re feeling tired or unmotivated.
And once you get started, you’re more likely to find that you have the energy to keep going.
Even When It’s Cold & Dark Outside?
Yes, even when it’s cold and dark outside.
A lot of people dread winter because it means shorter days and less time spent outside in the sunlight. While it’s true that getting outdoors during winter can be tricky, there is a simple trick that can help you feel more energetic, even on the darkest and coldest of days.
Being in nature has been shown to improve mood and energy levels, so even a brief exposure can make a difference. So try to get outside, even if it’s just for a short walk around the block.
If it’s too cold to comfortably be outside, at least try opening the curtains or blinds in your home to let in as much natural light as possible. This can help to improve your energy levels and mood, making it easier to get through the day.
So, if you’re feeling sluggish this winter, don’t despair. Give this 5-minute trick a try and see how it helps you feel more energized and upbeat.